Didi is 27 years old, born in Valencia.
He is a self-taught young man whose artistic and plastic interests arise at an early age.
His skill for the arts and his versatility made Didi develop his career at a very young age.
He feels passion for beauty and aesthetics, and understands in a very natural way the plastic of the materials which has made his technique has developed with fluidity, handling different branches such as painting but above all, the sculpture with which Didi feels more closely related.
Didi's work speaks of life, energy, feelings and emotions, the metaphysical and the anti-scientific. His experience with cancer at the age of 11 and his matriarchal education were his starting point when it came to guiding all his concerns towards more abstract subjects.
The harmony, the colorimetry, the symmetry and the cohesion between the aforementioned aspects is key in his artistic process.
The different materials and techniques used are based on the personal study of the plastic of the same.
The experiment is the origin of the work.